Change your patterns, change your life!

Embodiment Coaching can help you gain more awareness of your behavioral patterns and supports you to replace old patterns that no longer serve you with new, more helpful options.
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On the one hand, this gives you more clarity and choices about how you want to behave in a certain situation and, on the other hand, you gain more freedom to act and make conscious decisions.

In Embodiment Coaching we first clarify your issue or what it is that you want to work on with me – this topic can also change in the course of our work together, because sometimes you discover completely new layers or aspects around your challenge that are connected to it.

During the Embodiment Coaching session, I will ask you questions so that you can gain more clarity, find deeper insights or increase your awareness. We work primarily with your body (and emotional) intelligence that can give you a lot of hints once you learn to listen and understand what your body wants to tell you.

I will give you suggestions and inspirations to carve out the relevant aspects before we start to find solutions – how to notice and leave behind your old patterns and how to to stimulate and integrate the desired changes.

I will also give you „homework“ to continue practicing or to put what you have learned into practice in your everyday life in order to be sustainable for you.

At our following meeting, we will look at what has changed or where you may need further support.

If we feel that we´re a good „coaching-fit“ I will accompany you in regular sessions until you feel that you have reached your goal or until you feel confident enough that you can continue to work independently with the practices you have learned.

Embodiment Coaching can help you, for example, if you want to experience less nervousness or stress and instead more self-confidence in certain situations, if you want to get out of your head and thought loops, if you need clarity, if you want to set better boundaries, if you want to feel more connected to others – but also if you simply want to get to know yourself better and long for more connection with your intuition, your feelings and your body.

If you are interested in an Embodiment Coaching session with me, please email me and we can arrange a free and non-binding 30 minute session via Zoom to get to know each other. In this conversation we can also clarify what´s your current challenge, talk about any questions you may have and see if we are a good fit before you take a decision.

I`m looking forward to scheduling a free first Zoom-appointment!


Why does Embodiment work?

The scientific basis for Embodiment practices is the mutual influence that the body and emotions (or the psyche) have on each other – and therefore also on our general well-being and our physical and mental health.

There is more and more literature on this now, especially from trauma research (e.g. „The Body keeps the Score“ by Bessel van der Kolk or books such as „In an Unspoken Voice“ or „Waking the Tiger“ by Peter A. Levine).

We can use this knowledge and learn through Embodiment practices to better understand the body´s messages and to feel more connected to our body and self.

We also can consciously influence emotional states by starting with the body. Through suitable practices we can learn to rebalance our nervous system (and to positively influence stress or anxiety), to ground ourselves or to strengthen our vitality, creativity and joy.

The first step, however, is to train our body awareness and become more mindful regarding our bodily perception – this means cultivation a „mindfulness of the inside“ (the professional term would be interoception):

This means sensing how we are actually feeling in a certain moment or situation: which emotions, physical sensations or even thoughts are present and how they influence us. In this way, we strengthen the intimacy and connection with our body and get to know our emotional world, but also learn about our triggers (i.e. triggers for certain, often unconscious behaviors that often harm us).

The more aware we are of our feelings, sensations and behaviors in certain situations, the more freedom of action and choice we´ll enjoy in the long term: i.e. we can let go of harmful (previously unconscious) patterns and practice new, positive or nourishing behaviour that support our values and the life we want to lead.

Embodiment therefore is – as the name suggests – something that is actually best experienced in your own body in order to really understand the term.

If you want to try it, check out my offers for English speakers or the possibility to work 1:1 with me.

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